Dear stranger..
that is.. anyone not Greek..
all the last year.. I fill we are in a war.. of some kind.. and since I don't like it.. I'll try to understand you.. and make you understand us..
please excuse my English (and my soon to come “French”).. if your Greek are better then my English.. you can go to my other blogs.. and save us the trouble..
my laboring history..
to start with.. I don't have anything to do with economics politics and the rest.. I was borne in Athens Greece.. in 3/11/1964.. I started my “working days”.. as a little boy.. helping my mother in her tailoring.. and my mother's friend in hairdressing.. there was no need.. just to keep me occupied.. and I always liked to be around ladies..
at the age of13.. 1977.. I started the first real work.. us a helper of a pharmacist.. a furrier.. a plumber.. an electrician.. a blacksmith.. a building constructor.. and some other I don't remember..
after hight school.. I was thinking about.. photography.. I had my nikon F3 and my color dark room.. drawing.. computers.. I had only lateral knowledge at the time.. only drawing was possible in Greece.. bat demanded years of preparation and had no repayment security.. I contacted several schools in England about photography.. bat the fies were astronomical.. thou my father was more than willing to back me up.. I founded it unethical.. and to invest so hard at list bad business.. computing was not a stand alone topic at that time..
at 19.. 1983.. I went to study to a school to become graphic designer and printer.. at the same time I worked at a window pane store.. at a liquor store.. as a tailor.. bar tenter.. you name it..
at the same time.. 1983.. I persuaded my first PC compatible.. and started programming.. and data entry.. as a 2nd or 3rd job.. but better paid then the 1st..
at last.. at 21.. 1985.. I found a more than foul time and very well payed job at a printing establishment.. until 24.. 1988.. that I left.. to serve mother country.. for 2 years in a destroyer ship as a signal man..
stepping on dry land.. 13/11/90.. I found printing business in difficult situation.. advancing PCs ruined many printing establishments.. so I turned once more to construction.. as a painter.. for a sort period of time.. well paid bat with bad company.. miraculously an old friend asked me if I could act as a accountant help for a month.. so that the present employee could take the month off.. I could use the steam off.. or so I thought.. so at 8/2/91.. I triumphal set my paw in furniture fittings business.. for an easy month.. of 7-3 five day job.. poor me.. I found stack over stack of pending files.. leftovers of an unsatisfied present clerk.. who spend the month off to find a better job.. making himself past and me present by all means..
my so cool.. 7-3 five days a week.. became 24/7.. at list improving my income by several times..
1992.. through very hard times.. of economic depression and hight dept.. I gained 25% of the company.. as well as the dept..
1993.. my ex boss left. Leaving me with 49% of a very difficult situation.. I manage to float.. through the “do it your self”.. and stepping in construction business.. kitchen furniture and wardrobes this time..
1994.. I sold my only property.. a barely standing old house.. to purchase the rest of the company.. things going well.. I expanded to office and shop furniture.. after 2-3 years of good times.. little by little.. the problems started.. first our B2B clients started getting into dept.. many of them bankrupt leaving us into dept too..
1997 disgusted with everything.. dept.. unpaid checks.. ruined clients.. and unwilling to have any thing to do with banks.. I decided to stop..
8/2/98.. during a call with an ex B2B client and friend.. he told me he had problems serving his franchise clients.. the same day I was in his office.. working as a clerk.. nothing much but it paid the rent..
1998 was a hard year for construction business.. again..
1999 I was a man of my one once more.. I started working in furniture business from start to the end.. one man show..
stepping in forties.. 2004.. I was working at list 18 hours a day.. hard labor.. and I was desperately seeking for help.. many directors and managers and no worker out there..
1/7/2007.. I had an accident.. I stayed a month in bed.. 3-4 months I couldn't work more then 4-5 hours a day.. took me a year to reach a 8-9 hours work day.. but it was late.. construction had come to a stop.. in 2010 still the same.. I have plenty of time.. to blog and play.. but very little money to survive..
see you soon.. hopefully..
that is.. anyone not Greek..
all the last year.. I fill we are in a war.. of some kind.. and since I don't like it.. I'll try to understand you.. and make you understand us..
please excuse my English (and my soon to come “French”).. if your Greek are better then my English.. you can go to my other blogs.. and save us the trouble..
my laboring history..
to start with.. I don't have anything to do with economics politics and the rest.. I was borne in Athens Greece.. in 3/11/1964.. I started my “working days”.. as a little boy.. helping my mother in her tailoring.. and my mother's friend in hairdressing.. there was no need.. just to keep me occupied.. and I always liked to be around ladies..
at the age of13.. 1977.. I started the first real work.. us a helper of a pharmacist.. a furrier.. a plumber.. an electrician.. a blacksmith.. a building constructor.. and some other I don't remember..
after hight school.. I was thinking about.. photography.. I had my nikon F3 and my color dark room.. drawing.. computers.. I had only lateral knowledge at the time.. only drawing was possible in Greece.. bat demanded years of preparation and had no repayment security.. I contacted several schools in England about photography.. bat the fies were astronomical.. thou my father was more than willing to back me up.. I founded it unethical.. and to invest so hard at list bad business.. computing was not a stand alone topic at that time..
at 19.. 1983.. I went to study to a school to become graphic designer and printer.. at the same time I worked at a window pane store.. at a liquor store.. as a tailor.. bar tenter.. you name it..
at the same time.. 1983.. I persuaded my first PC compatible.. and started programming.. and data entry.. as a 2nd or 3rd job.. but better paid then the 1st..
at last.. at 21.. 1985.. I found a more than foul time and very well payed job at a printing establishment.. until 24.. 1988.. that I left.. to serve mother country.. for 2 years in a destroyer ship as a signal man..
stepping on dry land.. 13/11/90.. I found printing business in difficult situation.. advancing PCs ruined many printing establishments.. so I turned once more to construction.. as a painter.. for a sort period of time.. well paid bat with bad company.. miraculously an old friend asked me if I could act as a accountant help for a month.. so that the present employee could take the month off.. I could use the steam off.. or so I thought.. so at 8/2/91.. I triumphal set my paw in furniture fittings business.. for an easy month.. of 7-3 five day job.. poor me.. I found stack over stack of pending files.. leftovers of an unsatisfied present clerk.. who spend the month off to find a better job.. making himself past and me present by all means..
my so cool.. 7-3 five days a week.. became 24/7.. at list improving my income by several times..
1992.. through very hard times.. of economic depression and hight dept.. I gained 25% of the company.. as well as the dept..
1993.. my ex boss left. Leaving me with 49% of a very difficult situation.. I manage to float.. through the “do it your self”.. and stepping in construction business.. kitchen furniture and wardrobes this time..
1994.. I sold my only property.. a barely standing old house.. to purchase the rest of the company.. things going well.. I expanded to office and shop furniture.. after 2-3 years of good times.. little by little.. the problems started.. first our B2B clients started getting into dept.. many of them bankrupt leaving us into dept too..
1997 disgusted with everything.. dept.. unpaid checks.. ruined clients.. and unwilling to have any thing to do with banks.. I decided to stop..
8/2/98.. during a call with an ex B2B client and friend.. he told me he had problems serving his franchise clients.. the same day I was in his office.. working as a clerk.. nothing much but it paid the rent..
1998 was a hard year for construction business.. again..
1999 I was a man of my one once more.. I started working in furniture business from start to the end.. one man show..
stepping in forties.. 2004.. I was working at list 18 hours a day.. hard labor.. and I was desperately seeking for help.. many directors and managers and no worker out there..
1/7/2007.. I had an accident.. I stayed a month in bed.. 3-4 months I couldn't work more then 4-5 hours a day.. took me a year to reach a 8-9 hours work day.. but it was late.. construction had come to a stop.. in 2010 still the same.. I have plenty of time.. to blog and play.. but very little money to survive..
see you soon.. hopefully..
Am I the first one to comment in here? :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not a stranger I guess, but I found this.. hmm.. confession should I say? quite touching, it seems to be coming right through your heart with a little depressing note and I really don't know what more I could possibly say.. I do hope things turn out much better for you· the little I know you, you seem to be a person that surely deserves a better life.
I hope I'll make a "kalo podariko" in this new blog of yours and that you'll share many stories with us (too bad I can't speak French to follow you there as well!)
Hahaha welcome ειρήνη my first and only (for the time being I hope) commentator :):)
ReplyDeletepeople are strange when you are a stranger.. I 'm not strange (this particular moment).. and you are not stranger (by all means).. :):)
depressing? Not me.. I 'd say depression.. economic.. not for me.. when the times get worst (very soon I 'm afraid).. I 'll grow cucumbers.. and I 'll be as cool as one of them.. to justify the sound of my name.. :):)
hahaha “French” not French.. was my threat.. and I 'm sure you can follow.. the last time I spoke French was at 1979.. I don't remember a word.. :):)
thank you very much for the “podariko”.. :):)
good night (and may the universe conspire to make true your dreams) :):)
Why, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for that bloody universe to do its job!
PS: I just noticed the quotation marks in "French" :)
Goodnight, dearest!
Oh, and have a nice month!
ReplyDeletehaha maybe it needs "whip and carrot policy".. :):)
ReplyDeleteI owe you a drawer restoration.. for been so nice.. but maybe you won't need it.. if the universe behave.. :):)
goudnight and a very nice month to you too my sole commantator :):)
Hmm.. how do you know I won't need it if the universe behaves? You're really making me wonder (or should I say "freaking me out") with your psychic skills...! :)
ReplyDelete(but I'm really wondering.. have I mentioned anything to you about what I'm expecting? maybe I did and I just don't remember? hmm...)
I'm off to bed, will read your answer tomorrow!
hahaha some friends give me the "hereditary gift".. but this time.. you just mentioned it in a private(?) conversation.. don't freack out.. :):)
ReplyDeleteahhh I see! I didn't remember at all.. alzheimer's I think it's called! :))
ReplyDeleteΟυτε ο Βασιλάκης καιλας δεν είχε τέτοιο στόρυ! Omg you could create a story with your life ...
ReplyDeletexaxaxaxa ανδρέα
ReplyDeleteόχι δα!!! εγώ ήμουν χαζό παιδί χαρά γεμάτο.. που τα δάκρια του καίλα.. άσε που ήμουν και τυχαιρούλης γενικά.. και μόνο 3-4 μήνες στη ζωή μου δούλεψα με το βασικό μισθό.. :):)
hahahha it's the sort version.. who could stand the longone.. :):)